Welcome to the Healthy Young Minds website. Here you can find a variety of advice, guidance and support related to children and young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing.
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Healthy Young Minds was formed from the Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Transformation Programme, which was established to deliver a five-year programme of transformation work across Lancashire and South Cumbria. The programme brings multiple organisations together to work on improving the support that is available and involves eight CCGs, four Local Authorities, four NHS Trusts, hundreds of schools, a wide-ranging third sector, primary care, community services and various children and young people’s support services and groups.
The overarching aims for the Transformation Programme is to improve the resilience, emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people, making it easier for them, their families and the professionals who work with them to access advice, help and support when they need it and to improve the standard of mental health services across Lancashire and South Cumbria.
You can read the programme’s Transformation Plan (which includes an Easy Read version) or view our reading list that contains publications related to children and young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing, here. The geographical area of Morecambe Bay is covered within two Local Transformation Plans – the Lancashire Transformation Plan which includes the North Lancashire part of NHS Morecambe Bay CCG and the Cumbria Transformation Plan which the South Cumbria part of NHS Morecambe Bay CCG is covered by. The plans are refreshed each year through co-production with children, young people, their families and carers and professionals.